Target Employee Helps Find Kidnapped Child

David Douglas, 43, is in jail on a $4 million bond because of an observant employee.

Halle Berry in The Call

Halle Berry in “The Call”

Reading this story reminded me of the movie, “The Call.”  I’ve watched that movie at least 4 times.   It has a kidnapping with a bad ending, and a kidnapping with a good ending.  The one with the good ending is because of a 911 operator who listened to the recording of a call, and hearing a sound, remembered that sound when she went to the house that the police had visited, but did not find the kidnapper neither his victim. Halle Berry plays the character Jordan Turner, the 911 operator.

Roxanna Ramirez is a real life Jordan Turner.

Roxanna Ramirez

Roxanna Ramirez

Roxanna Ramirez, a loss prevention specialist at the Target Pittsburg store in the Bay Area of California, monitors for in-store thefts.  She noticed a man walking around in the store with a backpack and said he gave her a “weird feeling.”   Roxanna watched the monitors and saw him go to his car, a gold Toyota Camry.  She zoomed in and wrote down the license plate number.  When she returned from lunch, the man was no longer in the parking lot.

After her shift when she arrived home, her girlfriend said that she noticed an Amber alert on her Facebook account.  The suspect had followed a mother and daughter home from the Antioch Walmart and pulled the daughter into his car, police said.

7-year-old Natalie Calvo

7-year-old Natalie Calvo

Ramirez’ girlfriend proceeded to read aloud the details of the reported kidnapping, including a vague description of the car and the suspect.

The Dailymail reports:

“I was like, ‘Hold on …’ This was the guy in the store. He looked like that, and that matched the car description.”

Roxanna called the police with the information from her notebook.  The police, using the license plate number, were able to identify Douglas.   They learned he frequented the Antioch Marina, which is where an officer found him and 7-year-old Natalie Calvo at about 10:45 p.m.  Natalie was reunited with her family.

‘What she did was what truly broke the case,’ said Antioch police Lt. Tammany Brooks.

David Douglas

Detectives were so impressed by her preemptive actions they went to her house to congratulate her, according to the Times.

“That’s when my heart started jumping,” said Roxanna, “I was feeling great that I helped bring the little girl home.”

I am so happy that Natalie’s kidnapping has a good ending.

Posted on 01/08/2014, in Heroes and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

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  3. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    Praise be!


  4. Thank you for this, Xena!! Tears falling. It is so rare that a stranger kidnapping ends happily and it is so rare that there is ever a stranger kidnapping! Something most parents don’t realize because the horrific ones get the media coverage.
    Congratulations to that very perceptive target employee who paid attention to her intuition!


    • 2dogsonly. Amazing how things come together — her girlfriend reading the Amber alert, and her writing down the info and giving it to the police.


  5. Hallelujah!

    Thank you for this beautiful news story, Xena!

    Bless Roxana! Natalie is safely back home because of Roxana’s keen observation and quick action!


  6. towerflower

    I’m so glad to hear that Roxanne followed her inner feeling and wrote down that number. What a happy ending.


  7. What an awesome story! Thank Goodness for people like this, with this kind of intuition, who act on their ‘vibes’.


  8. this is a local story for me. i wanted to suggest a couple of corrections. KTVU, channel 2 in oakland has been reporting that the mom and daughter lived in antioch, CA and that the kidnapper followed them home from walmart. the loss prevention employee is at walmart according to the newscasts i have been watching.

    if anyone wishes to ‘up’ the creepiness factor, check out KTVU and see if you can find any of the statements by the kidnapper. yuck, yuck and yuck.

    having seen all too many newscasts of missing children in the bay area, it is good to find one with a happy ending. ironically, the same small town (antioch) is where jaycee dugard and the daughters she bore with her kidnapper were found. antioch is a what we would call the ‘armpit of the bay area’ and this story just drives that home.


  9. Xena, Please check e-mail…


  10. Tavia Anderson

    Many blessings coming your way Roxanna, thank you so much for your great actions in helping bring this baby back to the people whom love her. Thank you so much!!
