Dr. Bao’s Lawsuit To Expose Biases Against Trayvon Martin

Willie Gary

Attorney Willie E. Gary

Attorney Willie E. Gary has quite a reputation. He has won over 150 cases valued in excess of $1 million each. Attorney Gary has been featured in Ebony Magazine as one of the “100 Most Influential Black Americans.” Forbes magazine has listed him as one of the “Top 50 Attorneys in the U.S.”

Now, attorney Gary is representing Dr. Shiping Bao, the assistant medical examiner who performed Trayvon Martin’s autopsy.

Dr. Bao was one of the most controversial prosecution witnesses because of his conflicting testimony.

In a letter dated August 23, 2013, Dr. Bao was given 30 days to find employment at another office or resign. He declined to resign. Volusia County released a letter on Tuesday, September 10, 2013, stating that Dr. Shiping Bao was fired from his position as an associate medical examiner last week. Spokesman Dave Byron declined to give a reason, citing county standard personnel practices.

Dr. Bao began his employment with Volusia County in July 2011 and made an annual salary of $175,950.

Dr. Shiping Bao

Former Assistant Medical Examiner, Dr. Shiping Bao

During George Zimmerman’s trial, Bao changed his original opinion about how long Martin lived after being shot. Bao said he had changed his opinion three weeks before the trial based on another case that was similar to Martin’s. Bao also changed his opinion about the effect of the small amount of THC, the active ingredient of marijuana, found in Trayvon’s body. Now, Dr. Bao is ready to tell why his testimony brought shame upon the prosecution.

According to WFTV news, attorney Gary stated that Dr. Bao claims that the medical examiner, state attorney’s office, and Sanford Police Department were all biased against Martin. “He says their general attitude was that he got what he deserved,” Attorney Willie Gary told Channel 9.

Attorney Gary said Dr. Bao was made to be a scapegoat and was wrongfully fired from the medical examiner’s office. He said his client was prepared to offer proof that Martin was not the aggressor.

“He wanted a question that would have allowed him to explain to the jury with scientific evidence how there was no way Trayvon Martin could have been on top of George Zimmerman,” Gary said.

“He was in essence told to zip his lips. ‘Shut up. Don’t say those things,'” Gary said.

Hearing that the Sanford Police Department was biased against Trayvon Martin is no surprise. At George Zimmerman’s trial, questions were raised about how Trayvon Martin’s clothing was not dried out and was maintained in plastic rather than paper bags. The defense argued that might have degraded DNA evidence on Trayvon’s clothing. Although there was no testimony that DNA on Trayvon’s clothing was degraded, the defense took advantage of the negligence of the Sanford Police Department’s and Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s staff to raise doubt.

Before his arrest, George Zimmerman was monitored by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement regarding his safety. It should come as no surprise therefore, that George Zimmerman would attempt to speak with State’s Attorney Angela Corey before she announced the results of her investigation. George Zimmerman apparently felt comfortable and favored by the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement.

Additionally, there were serious inconsistencies in George Zimmerman’s statements to Detective (now patrol officer) Serino and Doris Singleton. Without question, they allowed George Zimmerman to change relevant portions of his story. For example, Zimmerman repeatedly claimed that he was knocked down by a punch in the nose at the “T.” When conducting an re-enactment however, Zimmerman realized that Trayvon’s body was found about 40 ft south of the “T” and changed his story to stumbling after being hit in the nose.

Detectives never asked Zimmerman when, why and how he dropped his key chain flashlight, nor his tactical flashlight. Zimmerman omitted any mention of when he dropped those items, and detectives did not bother to ask him.  Although Zimmerman never stated where, why and how he dropped the key chain flashlight, his attorneys would testify for him, without objection from the State, that the location of the key chain flashlight confirmed that the altercation began at the “T”.

Another relevant omission is that Zimmerman failed in total to mention that a witness, Jonathan Manalo, took a photo of his head before the first cop arrived.  Zimmerman’s story was a flow from getting off Trayvon’s back, to seeing the flashlight of the arriving cop.

At the crime scene, police did not instruct EMT’s to retain materials they used to clean dried blood off Zimmerman’s head. Testimony at trial by Anthony Gorgone revealed that stains indicating the presence of blood tested positive for DNA. The mixtures of DNA ruled out Trayvon, and were found on Zimmerman’s jacket. Trayvon’s DNA was also found on Zimmerman’s right jacket’s cuff and right upper shoulder.

While the prosecution did not ask Dr. Bao a question allowing him to explain to the jury with scientific evidence that there was no way Trayvon Martin could have been on top of George Zimmerman, prosecutors did demonstrate that Zimmerman could not have drawn his gun with Trayvon straddle him. Even Adam Pollock, owner of Kokopelli’s Gym, testified that Zimmerman could not hold Trayvon’s arm (as Zimmerman stated), and shot his gun while on his back.

A major concern of those anticipating justice for Trayvon, is why prosecutors did not object to the seating of Juror B37 on the jury. It was Juror B37 who during voir dire, called peaceful protests “riots.” The protests called for the arrest of George Zimmerman. After the verdict, Juror B37’s now former literary agent released a statement saying that the jury voted not guilty “…due to the manner in which [George Zimmerman] was arrested.”

Posted on 09/10/2013, in Evidence, George and Shellie Zimmerman, Justice For Trayvon and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 56 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


    • @Jueseppi B. Thanks for your support.


      • This is beautifully done. Thank you for sharing & giving hope to those of us still hoping…


        • @Jueseppi B. As the words from the song Black Butterfly go;
          “A dream conceived in truth never dies.”

          Three things are eternal; faith, hope and love. Thanks for the compliment and also for standing in hope.


      • This confirms that the trial was, in fact a sham, put on by a biased prosecution team, who hid their true intentions while in the court in front of the cameras. They denied the people of the State of Florida the representation they deserved for racist reasons.


        • @Lonnie Starr:

          How have you been? This is no surprise to the posters who post on here and on the Professor’s Blog. We know from day one when the DA did not present any evidence that this is farce of a trial was a scam and that it was fixed! I cannot believe that the three DA’s were in on this. I have read in detainl how successful they were and are at convictions in the past. Why would they throw this case deliberately? WHY?? Were they threatened? Evidence that should have been discussed was not brought out. Fogen’s cell phone records, e-mails, and explosive test messages were never brought in as evidende. WHY?? The bullet trajectory was never discussed either. We had posters on here who are not even attorneys who figured out what had transpired for God’s sake!!

          This man better watch his back. He may find a bullet with his name on it! He is calling out people who are in high places of position. They are not going to sit down and take his allegations lightly. I feel for him. He knew Fogen was guilty, and at every tune he was thwarted by the DA and the defense. These are explosive allegations! I also notice that the Martin/Fulton camp has been very quiet. They have not made any statements in teh press concerning these allegations. I believe that they are waiting to file civil charges against Fogen, and waiting to see what the DOJ finds in their investigation.

          I am not a violent individual and I would never wish harm upon anyone, but I have made an exception for Fogen! I sit here enraged, sad, and so disgusted with Fogen. ShelLIE, and the whole rest of them! I absolutely loathe and hate that socio-path Fogen and I hope he meets his God when he arrives in HELL whcih will be very soon at the rate he is going! Non one should be able to KILL a kid and get away with it!! NO ONE!


          • My guess is it had to be the guvnor who put the fix in. He holds the special prosecutors jewels in a sling. Since he can either forget and forgive any past misconduct, or he can make a case out of it, as he chooses. They have no choice but to go his way or their careers are over. Not that he picked them because of their interest in enforcing the laws, he picked them because of their loyalty. I’m pretty sure the Governor’s backers were in gz’s camp and they insisted on the outcome they wanted, if the Governor wanted their help next time out of the gate. Statesmanship aside, the whole political scene is run by the money wo/men.

            When Guy told the jury “you’ve got to start from the beginning”, we knew what he meant, but the jurors had nothing to explain to them why the beginning was incriminating. After all, in the beginning he only followed Trayvon, there was nothing to show them that that was illegal. They let the defense explain that, that was no crime and that gz had every right to do what he was doing. FALSE! gz had no right whatsoever to cause anyone to fear for their own safety, that was never explained to the jury as being an illegal assault! So, what was there in this “beginning” for the jurors to have started with? The prosecution knew they had not given the jurors anything to use about the beginning. Not a single assertion that it was a crime to follow Trayvon under those circumstances. They threw the case and they knew what they were doing.


          • Good to hear from you, sorry I’m going to be late answering posts as I have a lot on my plate right now and, because of this outcome, discussing this case is never going to be easy.

            But, to get some idea of what the prosecution was doing, get a few friends or other people together, have them read some of the material evidence and then, see how they prepare to present a case to a jury. What you’ll see will be simply amazing. People with no legal training at all will home in on very serious issues to present, that the prosecution totally avoided, and they will insist on utter clarity of what they present, and scoff at what the defenses silly offers were, giving practical rebuttal to it. If lay people can do that, and the prosecution had so much more information to work with, how then could they have missed so much? How could they have put the defenses claim, against their case, before the jury themselves? Thereby removing the most serious handicap for the defense, without gaining anything useful for that effort, except to severely damage their own case?

            Then they have the nerve to face us and say that they tried very hard to win. But the only one with the power sufficient to utterly destroy the prosecutions careers is… Guess who?
            So it had to start there. Remember, everyone has done something wrong at one point in time, that can be made into a case against them later on. So, my guess is the prosecution team was working under extreme loyalty and/or extreme threat, you can pick who was working under which. But the case was divided into assignments and each one did a part of it. That way no one person would be clearly seen as responsible for the failure.

            Most lawyers, in a poll taken after the trial, saw that the case had been thrown by the prosecution. So that now, the only ones with the power to set the record straight are in Washington D.C. This case has had and will continue to have severe political consequences for the U.S. globally. That can be seen in the way the world deals with the U.S. on our foreign policies. When we sally forth to admonish China on human rights, we’re nothing less than laughable in their eyes. The people of the world are in despair over the loss of their once mighty champion and advocate.


          • Lonnie, the last part of your comment is what I was trying to hammer home, during and after this farce of a trial. this case was definitely watched throughout the world and, you better know they were paying very close attention. they have seen the “HYPOCRISY” that is, The United States Of America. the UN has even got involved in this, as well they should because, how can we tell other countries how to treat their citizens while some in this country sanction the killing of an innocent child, just because of his skin tone.

            They have also seen the ugliness of racism in this country, from those who donated money to a child killer and, that was done all so because of the color of his victims skin. in this case just like the Emmett Till case, the entire world has seen the worse of this country in the form of racial hatred.


          • First, forgive me for taking so long to reply but I’ve had to back away for a while.

            If the truth be known, this case is a terrible set back for the cause of human rights worldwide, since it shows that certain parts of the populace cannot be trusted with
            the common good. That is a terrible message to send around the world, since it
            appears to justify gov’t’s holding much more power than they reasonably need to
            govern a nation.

            Then we have the gov’t shutdown and the crazies out in force, and all that does
            is reinforce the notion that tighter government political controls are both needed
            and necessary. In short, the Tea party is, singlehandedly making the case for
            totalitarian rule worldwide. That is something that every American should loathe.


  2. I hope some heads will role now.


  3. two sides to a story

    If the state really told Bao to keep quiet, this is a REALLY BIG DEAL. Explosive.


    • @Two side. You might already know that I think the world of Bernie. Guy and Mantei also earned my respect, and I gave Corey the benefit of the doubt. Now thinking back to trial, Corey was there most days, sitting behind the prosecutors’ table. Did she give them direction? Tell them what and what not to argue? I must wonder.

      During pre-trial hearings, Bernie was a bull dog. During trial, I felt as if his cross-examination was on a timer. It pains me to believe that a prosecutor so strong and determined for justice pre-trial, would not be the same during trial. IMHO, if the State wanted to throw the case with all parties knowing and willingly participating, they could have done that during many of the pre-trial hearings by not zealously challenging O’Mara and West.

      Maybe, just maybe, Corey constrained them during trial. She wasn’t sitting there as a mere observer. If that is true, then IT HURTS!


      • two sides to a story

        I never cared much for Corey, but the prosecution team seemed up to the task at first. Bernie’s performance seemed to slowly unravel, and by the end of the trial, his focus seemed to wane and wander. Mantei and Guy seemed steady through to the end, though they missed some opportunities they should have taken as well. I can see the possibility that this may have been orchestrated, that there were witnesses not called purposely (Jeremy) and questions not asked, as well as jurors not questioned properly or opposed. I would think that as lead prosecutor, Bernie would have had to be involved.

        I’m not much of a conspiracy buff and generally feel that life seems to take its own weird karmic twists and turns, but Florida is such a political swamp that such a conspiracy could possibly have happened.

        I really don’t know much about Bao’s background, so I’ll just have to sit back and see how this unfolds. Perhaps Bao is just saying whatever he thinks he needs to say to win a lawsuit, but it has a ring of truth. I was shocked that he was never asked by the prosecution to explain the wound trajectory and why Trayvon could not have been mounted on GZ and leaning over him the way the defense portrayed. Even LLMPapa was able to figure that out. The prosecution did at least demonstrate with the dummy why GZ could not have pulled his weapon from that position, but a medical examiner should have been able to explain the bullet trajectory from his analysis of the wound and explain why this did not match the defense story. Again, if he was told to shut up, that’s exceptionally explosive stuff.


  4. What a great article xena! This makes me so upset, although dr Bao’s testimony was a bit off and erratic it all makes sense now! Thank you for such a great article! I love all the work you do here on your blog and youtube! I was lucky to find your blog and leathermans blog the day of closing arguments on the case! I wish I had found it sooner! I stumbled on the treehouse one day and was so enraged! I knew their had to be other trayvon supporters and I found this blog! Before that I just watched all trent Sawyers videos and talked about the case there. But he has since made all his videos private, so I come here and read your articles all the time!

    It just all makes sense now, sanford police dept all had that attitude that trayvon got what was coming to him and they could never see a young african american adolescent as a victim and automatically gave George the benefit of every doubt everytime! I sure hope the DOJ is paying attention, so much is coming to light. I hope the DOJ prosecutes George and the
    sanford police department as well!

    The whole time the case aired I found myself yelling at my laptop so livid at the prosecution wanting them to do more! To go after certain witnesses and they never did! Esp jenna lauer. She totally lied. In her spd interview she said she heard a 3 part exchange and she heard what are you doing, which corroborated what rachel said about George asking trayvon what he was doing around here. Jenna the liar said on the stand she heard nothing! And bernie did not challenge her! Then john goods testimony made me upset as well! In a interview with spd he says he did not know if the guy on top was actually hitting the guy on the bottom! He said he could have been just holding down the guys arms until cops came, bernie again never bought this up at trial!

    Then the days of closing arguments I felt ok, they’re going to tie up all loose ends and give the jury a cohesive narrative they can understand with thier timeline and clubhouse videos, and they didn’t! That’s when I knew mark geragoes was right and the prosecution threw the case because it was never theirs to win to begin with!.

    lastly the fact that jeremy never was called to tesify when he knows alot more than he told spd is just baffling! You can hear him on the lauer call coming in the house telling her to call the cops and saying he warned me, this whole case makes me upset! But I have faith that one day trayvon will truly get the justice he deserves along with his family and all his supports will see justice and the truth will finally come to light and put all the doubters to shame.


    • @monicaJo. Welcome to Blackbutterfly7. Glad you decided to no longer be a stranger.

      I anxiously await Dr. Bao’s lawsuit and hope that his attorney releases a copy to the media to make it public.

      Trayvon Martin continues to live on, especially in those positive things that are happening because of his death. Like a candle in a dark room, light is being shed. His death shall not be in vain.

      Personally, I would still like to see an investigation into Juror B37.

      On another note, and because of Trayvon’s death, George Zimmerman is being exposed for the violent, dangerous person that he is.


      • Amen Xena.


        • @mindyme62. Good morning!

          There is a saying along the lines that the spilling of innocent blood is like seed — it results in life.


          • two sides to a story

            Beautiful thought, Xena! May a tree of life eternally blossom from Trayvon Martin’s legacy.


          • @Two sides.

            May a tree of life eternally blossom from Trayvon Martin’s legacy.


            Did you see the movie “Powder”? I remember at the end thinking that the main character understood that returning to the source meant that his “energy” would be released upon others. In a similar way, I see the same with Trayvon.


          • two sides to a story

            Omigosh, it’s been so long, I’d forgotten about that film. Yes, yes, yes.


          • @Two sides. “Powder” is deep. 🙂


      • @xena glad to be here! I really hope as well that dr bao’s attorney will make a copy available to the public, I’m very interested in knowing exactly what evidence dr Bao had that he tried showing the prosecution and them dismissing him and telling him to keep quiet! I would love to know exactly who he voiced his concerns with, and who exactly had the attitude that trayvon “got what he deserved”

        Would also love to see an investigation on juror B37, although I doubt there will be one. Everything about her is off! From her securing that book deal so fast, and her unsupervised visits with her husband, to Frank Taffee knowing the exact deadlock in the jury room!


        • @monicaJo. Did you see Juror B29’s interview with Rev. Sharpton yesterday? She said that other jurors have gone on with their lives but she has not. I don’t think Juror B37 has gone on with her life. Rather, I think she daily re-visits how she made a fool of herself with the book deal and AC360 interview.

          Juror B37 caused me to re-visit her voir dire. It wasn’t just the “riots” she mentioned.

          Juror B37, Mark O’Mara and Jury Tampering


  5. This is starting to get interesting. I too thought the prosecution dropped the ball. As the days went on I was getting more frustrated but kept thinking any day they will piece it together. I thought they would bring the guy who testified for a few minutes about the the camera’s back in, they didn’t. I don’t think they pushed the inconsistancies and the timeline. I thought they would call a trajectory expert. Why they agreed to keep race out I don’t understand, IMO race was a factor.

    I too would like to see and investigation into Juror B37.

    The truth will prevail, but there will always be those who will remain, blinded by the light, oops, I mean white, darn, I mean right….


    • @dreamer.

      The truth will prevail, but there will always be those who will remain, blinded by the light, oops, I mean white, darn, I mean right….

      Love your sense of humor. 🙂


      • two sides to a story

        Love the humor too. Let me add in a more straightforward way – blinded by their own pig-headedness!


  6. oooooooh, this should get very interesting! thanks for finding this info xena, i had only seen some of it, but none of the martin info from bao. very, very interesting.


  7. Great post!!! I really hope this will open up a new investigation for Trayvon Martin. We all knew he (Trayvon) was put on trial for nothing. I really hope Dr.Bao puts all of them on blast!!!


    • @NeonLoves … Welcome to Blackbutterfly7. You know, I seriously doubt that a new investigation will open. There’s that constitutional double-jeopardy, leaving it up to the jurisdiction of the DOJ now. This case may go down in history as the top case evidencing organized injustice. I hope that O’Mara and West are happy knowing that they are given no credit for defending GZ because they were allowed to win by other sources, and stealth Juror B37.


  8. jessicafisher

    @Xena, they can reopen the case they just cant open it up and go for the same charges, they can still go for involuntary manslaughter


    • @jessicafisher. Welcome to Blackbutterfly7. Thanks for your comment. I disagree that GZ can be charged for killing Trayvon again by the State of Florida. The federal government however, does have jurisdiction to charge him for violating Trayvon’s civil rights and I hope that they do.


  9. jessicafisher

    @Xena thanks alot.I live in Florida (however not proud), and I’m studying law, I asked my professor that question and his response was that they can try him again just not the same charges. However, I don’t believe these fools here in Florida will.


    • @jessicafisher.

      I’m studying law, I asked my professor that question and his response was that they can try him again just not the same charges.

      The best to you in your studies! Any State charge or alternate charge, such as involuntary manslaughter, would have needed to be presented to the jury in jury instructions. You might want to clarify this with your law professor.


      • jessica fisher

        I was wrong, I misunderstood him, you are so correct, thank you


        • @jessicafisher. No problem. There’s State law and federal law. When people say “law” without distinguishing between jurisdictions, it can be confusing.


          • jessica fisher

            Your correct,I’m in class right now and my Professor whom is the police chief of Lake Mary, Florida where all of this recent crap with Zimmerman is going on and she says he wants to lock him up so bad however his wife will not press charges, I’m so sick of him and his wife


  10. jessicafisher

    I also pray and hope that Federal Charges be brought against him.


    • @jessicafisher. Yes. The U.S. Attorney won’t let Zimmerman’s defense play games and cheat in court like they did in the State’s case.


  11. http://trayvon.axiomamnesia.com/people/fire-department/michael-brandy-paramedic-sanford-fd/
    After reviewing Dr Bao testimony on Travon being alive for 1-10 minutes, it’s very possible he is correct. If you listen to Michael Brandys interview with FDLE, he says ” there was a couple beats (heart) here & there but he was basically flatline. According to the SFD reports they arrived on scene at 7:27 eleven minutes after the gunshot. That being said, why wouldn’t the prosecution have Brandy testify corroborate Dr Bao statement, or vice versa?


    • @Michael. Welcome to Blackbutterfly7 and thanks for your comments. Officer Smith arrived about 3 minutes after the gunshot, and another officer (the one who performed CPR) just after that. Trayvon had no pulse.

      The thing with Dr. Bao’s testimony is that it appears he wanted to address that Trayvon was suffering while dying. His change of opinion that Trayvon might have lived for 10 minutes added nothing of relevance. Just the idea that Trayvon might have been half-conscience for 10 seconds with a 208 lbs man sitting on his back is enough to bring tears to my eyes.


    • two sides to a story

      By now we know that either the prosecution was horribly lax to the point of being incompetent, or they deliberately did not support their key witnesses in order to lose the case.

      You know, the way Angela Corey expressed disappointment and called Fogen a murderer just seemed like so much window dressing, similar to the way OM used the media to trash Trayvon – all smoke and mirrors, but it convinces people there’s fire where there’s only smoke,.


  12. TashaTexas77048

    Excellent article Xena. One should find it surprising that the medical examiner did not say Zimmerman murdered Martin but rather he called it a homicide and then went on to define homicide as one person killing another. In a nutshell, that is what a homicide is but the State claimed this was actually murder. Their medical examiner never called it murder. Not only did Dr. Bao not refer to this as a murder but he said he had no opinion on an important fact regarding the circumstances of Martin’s death, namely, who was on top. The State had no one that could say what happened to Trayvon Martin, nor did they offer any theory beyond John Guy saying he was shot as he backed away from Zimmerman which is false for so many reasons. It is not surprising that the JurorB29 later confused murder and killing in her interview with Robin Roberts. She said Zimmerman was guilty of murder but then went on to say he was guilty of killing him but the State didn’t prove it was murder. Of course not! They barely said the word murder and their medical examiner told the jurors that what happened to Martin was “one person killing another person.” A complete cluster.


  13. If any of Dr Bao recent statements of Travon Martin being shot in the back are true, then IMHO George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin. The police did. There would not be such a massive coverup just to protect George Zimmerman. Purely speculating here but, maybe the prosecution knew the truth the whole time. The line of questioning from the prosecution, and even the Defense, to the Sanford Police Department is pretty telling itself. Tim & Diana Smith in particular. Diana Smith admitted she opened evidence from the Medical Examiners office in her testimony. Why? Why did she even pick the evidence up from the ME office? She’s a Crime Scene Technician, not an evidence technician. That’s not her job. She said she didn’t recall if she opened the bags of Martins clothes. Is it possible, that’s why his clothes were in plastic bags, instead of Paper? To destroy evidence? Why did she try and get fingerprints off of the plastic bags using black powder? To destroy evidence? Why would she swab the gun, before doing the fuming super glue method to get latent prints? To destroy evidence? I hope you have time, Tim Smith inconsistencies are more than his wife. First, the way he approached the crime scene. You all saw how Lake Mary PD handled the situation securing Zimmerman. That’s how it’s done, Thats protocal. and they weren’t even responding to a shots fired call. After he got the information of a shots fired call, According to Smith He walked up to Zimmerman & Manalo (well Manalo wasn’t even mentioned in his police report) And asked Zimmerman did he see what happened, no gun out Just a flashlight. Excuse me, but You gotta be f-ing kidding me!!! Second, why would Smith monitor Zimmerman through the one way glass in the interview room & even sit there while Singleton interviewed him? & he stated in his testimony he couldn’t here what they were talking about. Yea right. That’s not a PATROL officers job! If you have any time review both of there testimonies you might look at this case a whole different way.. WAKE UP PEOPLE…


    • @M. Welsch. I went through and read and/or listened to Dr. Bao’s and attorney Gary’s statements and no where did I find where Dr. Bao said that Trayvon was shot in the back. The bullet projection was straight front to back. That shot means that Trayvon could not have been on top of Zimmerman.

      As far as the failure of the SPD handling evidence, oh YES! The one thing that concerned me the most is that they failed to use luminol on the ground to detect where Zimmerman’s head bled.

      Then too, there seems to be a distinct disinterest with LE when the victim is dead and there are no direct eye witnesses. By default, they give the benefit of the doubt to the killer. Zimmerman said Trayvon bashed his head on concrete; they didn’t see blood on the concrete; they didn’t luminol to confirm or refute his claim because that would mean investigation as to how Zimmerman got the boo-boo’s on his head.

      Thanks for the comment.


  14. Please go back and listen to the 911 call from Zimmerman. There is a segment there where you can hear Zimmerman knocking on someone’s door and then asking that person to, ” Watch my truck.” He doesn’t ask this person to watch his truck, he does not introduce himself as neighborhood watch. Whoever this person was, Zimmerman knew them. Who was this person? Why wasn’t this person ever located or questioned. This entire case was a coverup. The DOJ have to step in. Please, I implore you to listen closely to the tape. It’s not easy to hear but it is clear. I will post the exact times when you hear the knocks and zimmerman’s voice tomorrow. I 1st heard the tape in an article where zimmerman was allegedly suing NBC about changing something in the 911 tape. YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS EXERPT!


    • @1stteesfSF. Welcome to Blackbutterfly7 and thanks for the comment. I am familiar with the portion of the NEN call you refer to. Some hear “The keys are in my truck.” Some here “You’ll see my truck.” Some think the knocking is on a door. Others think it is GZ trying to get his tactical flashlight to work.

      Zimmerman told Singleton that he was on Retreat View Circle when told “We don’t need you to do that.” Jonathan Manalo lives or lived in the townhouse at the end of the cut-through where GZ said he stopped to get an address for the house across the street. Manalo is also the man who told his wife that what she was hearing was none of her business, and then after the gun-shot, and was brave enough to leave his house armed only with a flashlight and cell phone.


      • Also don’t forget, Manalo’s garage door frame is the one with the curious red stain on it. Some say that it looks like blood.


        • But the shot was fired minutes after the knock on the door that is during the 911 call. The sad part of this whole investigation was a police department that was so incompetent. Amazing how much evidence they disregarded. No one in that department should have had a job after that.


        • @Lonnie Starr. YES! And, that is the house that Zimmerman was beside when he said he was told “We don’t need you to do that” because he said that he was at the end of the cut-through standing on RVC.


          • So you think he watched Manolo to watch his truck? Whoever he asked to etch his truck, he had a personal relationship with them. He didn’t greet them before he asked them. He just said, ” WATCH MY Truck”


          • @925mvp24.

            So you think he watched Manolo to watch his truck?

            Don’t know — just saying that is where Zimmerman said he stopped when told “We don’t need you to do that.”


          • I think you may be right. It may have been him. Especially since he just happened to be the guy that showed up to the scene first after the shot. At first he claimed he was scared to go out then he hears a shot and goes out?? He went out there because he knew
            Zimmerman and he knew zimmerman the gun. That’s my theory.


    • He says, ” keep an eye on my truck”
