Let’s Talk About The Mixture of DNA On Zimmerman’s Jacket

Watching George Zimmerman’s trial, I remembered the testimony of Anthony Gorgone of FDLE crime lab.  After the verdict and Juror B37 and her literary agent revealing that Zimmerman was found not guilty due to the manner in which he was charged, my attention was drawn to her AC360 interview.  Then there was the good news about Rachel Jeantel receiving a full-scholarship from Tom Joyner, and numerous interviews of others including Sybrina and Tracy.   However, the testimony of Anthony Gorgone stayed with me.

Anthony Gorgone

Anthony Gorgone with ASA John Guy at Zimmerman’s trial.

Mr. Gorgone testified that he took cuttings from George Zimmerman’s jacket and tested for the presence of blood.   The cuttings were labeled A through EE.  Some tested positive for the presence of blood with the sole contributor being Zimmerman. Some did not test positive for the presence of blood, and still others tested positive for the presence of blood that resulted in a mixture.  In some of the mixtures, Trayvon was included or excluded.  In some of the mixtures, the contributor could not be identified.

What makes this interesting for me is that Trayvon had one wound – the one in his chest.  Let us keep in mind that Zimmerman shot Trayvon in the heart and does not claim having any contact with the front of Trayvon’s body.   There is no logical reason for any of Trayvon’s blood to be on Zimmerman’s jacket  Yet, Trayvon’s blood was found on the front of Zimmerman’s jacket, as well as on the cuff of Zimmerman’s right-sleeve.

When I first saw the photos of Zimmerman’s head wounds, it raised considerations.  Concrete is flat.  Zimmerman’s head wounds were punctures and not cuts resulting from having his head deliberately picked up and bashed on concrete.   Rather than two small puncture wounds towards the top of his head, if his story is true, he should have had wide cuts in the center of the back of his head.

There were also these considerations;

  1.  Based on the photos taken in the police station, those wounds appeared to have already scalped.
  2. Based on the photo taken by Jonathan Manalo, the blood flow looks as if blood was applied with fingers.  The appearance of the blood trails on the left-side of the photo would be possible if reaching over with the right hand, then down.  Each wound has 4 to 5 streams like 5 fingers, and almost in length and width as fingers.  It leaves a pattern much like the way people apply hair products.
  3. The EMTs reported that they used bottled water to wash blood off Zimmerman’s hands.  Officer Smith, who handcuffed Zimmerman, made no mention of there being blood on Zimmerman’s hands.   Therefore, any blood on Zimmerman’s hands was minimal, probably limited to his fingertips.
  4. The EMT’s reported the blood on Zimmerman’s head was dry.  This became of further interest during trial as O’Mara and West argued that rain discriminates washing Zimmerman’s blood off Trayvon’s clothes and hands, but not washing Zimmerman’s blood off his own head.  That in fact, in spite of humidity and rain, the blood on Zimmerman’s head had dried in a matter of minutes.
  5. The EMT’s did not retain any materials for testing the blood they cleaned off Zimmerman.
  6. Zimmerman refused to go to the hospital where more than likely, (and among other things), hospital lighting would have given professional staff a better look at the head injuries to know whether they were fresh or more than several hours old.

Later, we learned that the head wounds were already scalping when the physician’s assistant saw Zimmerman the following day.  We also learned through Zimmerman’s statements that he allegedly spread Trayvon’s arms out away from his body.  We now know that Trayvon’s body was found with his hands underneath him and also that witnesses saw Zimmerman on Trayvon’s back.

My suspicion was that while on Trayvon’s back, Zimmerman reached around to the wound on Trayvon’s chest, got blood from the wound, and smeared that blood on his head.  Later at the police station, Zimmerman picked at the scalp of the smallest wound to cause it to bleed.  The police station photo shows there is no bleeding from the larger of the wounds.

Close-up of the two lacerations on George Zimmerman's head taken at the police station.  The larger of the two is not bleeding.  It also appears to already have a scalp on it.  The EMT's reported that the blood on Zimmerman's head was dry.

Close-up of the two lacerations on George Zimmerman’s head taken at the police station. The larger of the two is not bleeding. It also appears to already have a scalp on it. The EMT’s reported that the blood on Zimmerman’s head was dry.

Zimmerman head flow

Photo taken by Jonathan Manalo before the police arrived. Zimmerman does not mention in any of his statements that a photo was taken by the “flashlight guy.”

The flow or trail of blood is straight down – very different from what we see in the photo taken by Jonathan Manalo.  Some people are of the opinion that the “U” shape bruise on Zimmerman’s head was caused by his gun, using the side to hit him across the head.   I don’t know, but to me, it looks more like the shape of a handle or hook used on a piece of gym equipment.   I suspect that Zimmerman was in a fight the Friday or Saturday before February 26, 2012.  He already had the head wounds, swelling, and scratches on his face and head.

On the evening of February 26, 2012, Zimmerman needed to make the head wounds appear fresh to support his story of Trayvon bashing his head on concrete.  After hearing Adam Pollock’s testimony that a trainer at Koppelli’s Gym described Zimmerman as “soft,” it is possible that description was given to Zimmerman after a fight in the gym.  It is a “fight” gym.

Zimmerman fired his gun with one hand.  His nose injury was most likely caused by the recoil.  That would also explain how gun-shot residue ended up on the back of his right sleeve.  The DOJ might be able to duplicate such as accident while the person wears gear to protect their face.

Selma Mora’s Testimony Agitated George Zimmerman

Selma Mora

Selma Mora

Why was Zimmerman so agitated when Selma testified seeing him put his right hand to his head?   He had already given a reason for why he was on Trayvon’s back, and didn’t expect anyone to question that reason.  Zimmerman and his legal team believed they could explain why Trayvon’s body was found with his hands beneath him without being inconsistent with Zimmerman’s story.  Zimmerman and his legal defense team want the public to appreciate that Zimmerman tortured the dying 17 year-old by sitting his more than 200 lbs on Trayvon’s back as Trayvon struggled to breathe.  They would have us believe that after Zimmerman got up, Trayvon lived long enough, and had enough strength, to move his arms from spread-eagle to beneath his body.

However, that still does not explain how Zimmerman got Trayvon’s blood on his jacket when the only bleeding wound was in Trayvon’s chest.  Selma Mora’s testimony could connect those dots and that clearly agitated Zimmerman in the courtroom.

There was other testimony of Zimmerman having his hand to his head, but Selma’s testimony riled Zimmerman.  Maybe it was because Selma Mora testified that her view was of Zimmerman’s right side.  She also said that it looked to her as though Zimmerman was supporting or balancing his body with his right hand on Trayvon’s body.

There is no logical reason as to why Zimmerman lied about spreading Trayvon’s arms out to his side, unless he felt it necessary to cover-up what he was really doing on Trayvon’s back and the possibility of his own skin cells being found on Trayvon’s wrists.

The Mixtures

Stain E 

Gorgone testified that Stain E tested positive for blood with Zimmerman as the major contributor, and a minor contributor in which he could make no determination.  That stain was located on the back, right shoulder of Zimmerman’s jacket.

Stain I

Stain I tested positive for the presence of blood.  Zimmerman was the major contributor. Trayvon was excluded as a contributor.

Stain N

Stain N tested positive for the presence of blood with Zimmerman as the major contributor, and Trayvon the minor contributor.  Stain N was located on the front, right shoulder of Zimmerman’s jacket.

Stain U

Stain U tested positive for the presence of blood.  It was a mixture found on the cuff of the right sleeve of Zimmerman’s jacket.  Gorgone could not determine the major contributor. Trayvon was included as a contributor.

Stain BB

Stain BB tested positive for the presence of blood.  It was a mixture found on the back left shoulder of Zimmerman’s jacket. Zimmerman was included in the mixture. Gorgone could not include nor exclude Trayvon in the mixture.

The following video provides those portions of Gorgone’s and Mora’s testimony at trial in support of this article.   This is circumstantial evidence that the DOJ should consider.   The only logical reason for Trayvon’s blood being on the right-cuff of Zimmerman’s sleeve is because Zimmerman reached underneath Trayvon to get blood.

Someone else’s blood was also on Zimmerman’s jacket other than Trayvon’s.  Zimmerman had been in a fight, but it was not on the evening of February 26, 2012 with Trayvon Martin.

Posted on 08/28/2013, in Department of Justice, Evidence, George and Shellie Zimmerman, Justice For Trayvon, Trayvon Martin, Videos and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 38 Comments.

  1. Xena, am sharing this on my FB!


  2. New post on 3Chicspolitico. Shellie Zimmerman Pleads Guilty To Perjury.

    Shellie Zimmerman Pleads Guilty To Perjury


    • Wow, I don’t think she appreciates the limelight the way her hubby does. Am loving the comments on 3 Chics!!


  3. Your steadfast dedication and endurance to Trayvon’s cause is beautiful to witness, Xena!

    You summarized, commented and questioned the DNA evidence carefully in your great article, Xena.

    Thank you for keeping the evidence in the forefront.

    I will never forget Trayvon, and I continue to pray for Sybrina, Tracy and Trayvon’s loved ones.


  4. @Yahtzee. Thank you and I’m right there with you — I shall never forget Trayvon. Until we hear from the DOJ, I shall continue bringing forth how the jury forsook all evidence, facts and truth to enter a verdict of not guilty. I stand with Sybrina and Tracy in their quest for change and justice.


  5. @Xena, reading this just angers me more and, I suspect that he sat on that child’s back, in order to get enough blood to use for creating his head wounds. By sitting on Trayvon’s back, he knew the pressure of his fat ass, would make the chest wound would be oozing a lot of blood.

    I too will be sharing this on my fb page as well. Please send your article to Eric Holder. Send it directly to him. TIA


    • @ladystclaire. I find myself getting angry with Zimmerman’s evil because he did not have to pile on lies to raise a claim of self-defense. He could have said that Trayvon walked up on him with his hand in his waist band so he became afraid and shot. He had already set that up in his NEN call.

      I still think that whomever whipped Zimmerman’s behind is the person he is afraid of, and his reason for abandoning his residence. Trayvon had not been identified before Zimmerman got out of the R@TL like a bat out of hell.


      • @Xena, who do you think beat the shit out of him? The photo posted on the right side of this very informative article, definitely shows “A NOT FRESH HEALING HEAD WOUND!” Also, why would he choose, that particular night to skip out of RTL?

        There is a lot about that night, as well as this case that we will never know about.


        • @ladystclaire. IMHO, someone at Kokopelli’s Gym fought it out with Zimmerman. It was personal. Maybe he owed someone money, or it was about a woman, or he felt insulted being called “soft” — who knows? But, it wasn’t a refereed fight, that’s for sure.

          Remember when GZ told Singleton that Trayvon bashed his head on a sign? There are no signs on the ground. Also, one of the EMT’s put in their report that Zimmerman’s head had been hit by a thrown object.

          You know, it takes a lot for a person to pack up and voluntarily leave their house overnight. Considering that GZ lived in a gated community and had a home security system, he had to be running and hiding from someone he knows — someone who could DRIVE into that gated community and knew his address. Maybe even someone who lives in R@TL.


  6. kindheart101

    Thumbs up Xena! Another great post.

    For me, the lack of preserving the scene, along with the lack of taking any swabs related to Zimmermans head wounds, or hands, (and to even let him use the bathroom in the police station) along with NOT requiring a blood test to check for medications, alcohol, etc., was a major FAIL! Why is it the child that was murdered was tested for any possible substance, yet, the murderer was not tested even though he admitted taking prescription medications that can cause paranoia, manic episodes and aggression? I still believe Zimmerman was treated with kid gloves because Daddy called in favors, and I always will. Then there was his “Good Buddy”, Osterman, that let Zimmerman and his wife move in that night, and live with him for 6 weeks. (Plenty enough time to cook up a perfect story that would pass any sniff test)

    And that’s just the tip of the Lying Iceberg. Sickening.


    • @kindheart101. HEY!! Good to see your fonts.

      Why is it the child that was murdered was tested for any possible substance, yet, the murderer was not tested even though he admitted taking prescription medications that can cause paranoia, manic episodes and aggression?

      Because Zimmerman turned it around taking the position of the victim, and painting Trayvon as the perpetrator. Although he had killed an unarmed teen, the cops treated him like the victim rather than the suspect and failed to take proper evidence.

      By playing the victim, being concerned about his safety before Trayvon’s body was cold, and playing up the wounds, Zimmerman projected to the cops that he was innocent. That is why no toxicology was taken from Zimmerman.

      Now, can you imagine an alleged rape victim who killed the alleged rapist refusing to go to the hospital? They take photos of some scratches and bruises and say that proves she killed in self-defense — because she was raped, when there’s no proof of the rape? But her attorney argues that she didn’t have to be raped to stand her ground.

      That is essentially what occurred in Zimmerman’s case. Evidence refutes that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman. Evidence refutes that Trayvon went for Zimmerman’s gun.

      And, that 40 foot stumble? Zimmerman’s story is that two sentences were exchanged before he was punched in the nose, and that he stumbled 40 ft then ended up on the ground, and started screaming for help AFTER Trayvon straddled him. Yet at trial, several witnesses testified of hearing the screams coming from one direction to another. So, Zimmerman could not be the one who screamed for help because according to him, he didn’t start screaming until he was on his back.


      • roderick2012

        So not only did Piglet steal Trayvon’s screams, but he stole his blood too?

        Damn. Just damn!


        • @roderick2012. From the DNA findings, it looks that way. Also, Zimmerman was VERY agitated when Selma testified seeing him with his hand on his head as he paced.


  7. He never was screaming and he knows it.


  8. roderick2012

    Xena, I hate to go Maury Povich but doesn’t Adam Pollack remind you of Papa Zimmerman?

    Not only do they have similar facial features but they both hold their heads in that same arrogant pose.

    And he’s stupid like the Zimmerman men—going onto Dr. Drew’s show and telling the world that Piglet thanked him for saving his life because Pollack taught Piglet how to ‘shrimp’ while forgetting that the DOJ hasn’t closed their investigation on Piglet.


  9. there was no 40 foot stumble either,that was trayvon trying to get away from him.


    • @Kllypyn. Right. Putting the physical evidence together with Rachel Jeantel’s testimony, Trayvon started walking away from the house after seeing the creepy guy again. The creepy guy followed and was getting closer. The debris field of Trayvon’s cell phone and Zimmerman’s tactical flashlight indicates that is where the altercation started and ended.


      • roderick2012

        I remember last year at the height of the case a person (silhouette and voice distorted) was interviewed on one of the Orlando stations. This witness stated that he/she told the police that there were two fight scenes, but the police told the witness there was only one.

        This would mean that the most likely scenario is that somehow George and Trayvon came into contact around the T. Trayvon punched Piglet in his snout. Piglet fell backwards and hit his head, and Trayvon ran home. Jeremy was already outside because they had heard the arguing (until that video I assumed John had detained Trayvon as he was running past the condos). Jeremy caught and detained Trayvon as he was running toward home assuming that Trayvon was some thug.

        Piglet caught up with Trayvon and Jeremy then Piglet told Jeremy that he would handle things, but Jeremy stayed and watched and sometime thereafter John witnessed some of the incident, but he saw more than the ten seconds before the gunshot that he claims.

        That’s when Trayvon started began for help, he even begged Jeremy to help because he knew that Piglet was going to pull the trigger.

        But how would they get Jeremy to flip on Piglet?

        If Jeremy does then it opens a whole can of worms that would implicate a conspiracy at least among John Good, Jenna, Jeremy, Piglet and Taaffe, because we know that from the beginning Taaffe told the entire world that ‘if Trayvon had just answered Piglet’s question he would be alive today’. That means that either Taaffe was present or one of those present told him what occurred, but I don’t believe that Piglet told Taaffe that specific detail of that night because it sounds like conjecture ( Jeremy’s lame attempt to blame Trayvon to assuage his own guilt for not helping Trayvon) and Piglet already told us the reason that he shot Trayvon was because he was running out of time because the police were on their way and he was afraid that they would have shot him because he was holding a gun.

        Of course the Feds could give him and Jenna immunity and place them in the Witness Protection program but Piglet’s fans would track them down until they found them.

        Furthermore I believe that someone maybe Bill Lee or Papa Zimmerman got to Jeremy, Jenna and John and manipulated them by telling them that if they told the truth about what they saw that night they would be co-conspirators and were just as guilty as Piglet because they didn’t help Trayvon. Also since Jenna was on the HOA she had heard about the complaints against Piglet she would be under extreme financial pressure to go along with a conspiracy to have Piglet found not guilty.

        I believe that maybe that was the purpose of Bill Lee attending the March 1, 2012 HOA meeting. Remember that the meeting was strictly for the pro-Piglet residents because the resident who was upset that no one listened to his complaints about Piglet carrying while he was on NW duty was ejected.


        • @Roderick2012. About the 2 fight scenes. Maybe the fight didn’t involve Trayvon and GZ, but GZ and someone else. Remember that photo of Manalo’s garage with the stain on front that looks like blood? Well, that is the house that GZ would have been standing beside when he stopped running or as he put it, where he was when looking for an address. I’m not saying it was with Jonathan however.

          I have often wondered what would give Jonathan the nerve to come out of his house armed with nothing more than a flashlight after hearing a gunshot. That he did, makes it reasonable to believe that he knew GZ, knew he was armed, and knew he was on the hunt. He wasn’t afraid to approach GZ because he already knew what was happening and he didn’t fit the profile for GZ to shoot him.

          Had Trayvon punched GZ at the “T,” it would have been on the NEN recording, and that is true whether it was when GZ was on his way to or returning from Retreat View Circle.

          There is someone who reported having a resident contact them saying that she saw GZ jump in front of Trayvon and push him. He was trying to encourage that witness to come forth.

          As far as Jeremy, he heard and saw something so threatening that he was willing to get a knife and go back outside. People don’t look for a weapon to stop a fist fight, and they don’t bring a knife to a gun fight unless believing that a person there is going to help them disarm the one with the gun.


          • @Xena, there are a lot of people In Sanford, Fla with the blood of a child, on their dirty filthy hands. There are a lot of people, who should be looking at charges and, I’m talking about Bill Lee, Robert Zimmerman senior and junior, as well as the murder squad of R@TL.

            There were people there who could have stopped that loose cannon with a gun. Instead they are all accessories before and after a crime of murder. Not just any murder, they stood by and let that bastard kill an innocent child.

            How, do they all sleep at night? As for giving Jeremy and Jenna immunity, to that I say HELL NO!


          • @Ladystclaire. I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head when asking how they sleep? All in all, at the end of the day, they have to live with their decisions and actions. No matter how they attempt to justify them, karma shall pay them a visit.


  10. Xena, great post as usual. I don’t understand why it is taking the DOJ so long to bring charges against the murderer. Thank you so much for your articles. I’m praying for Justice for Trayvon.


    • @”He Ran”. Good to see you again.

      The feds are very thorough. They are not inclined to bring one charge or count — they pile it on. They cross their “t’s” and dot their “i’s” before the U.S. Attorney goes before the federal grand jury.


      • Xena, do you really believe the DOJ is investigating? The feds were suppossed to have been doing that all the while. If LLMPapa, among others could figure it out why can’t the feds? How much t crossings and i dotting do they need to do? I don’t think there’s an investigation going on. The DOJ said they are investigating simply to placate folks.


        • @Eric. IIRC, it was in December when O’Mara and West tried getting the State to get the file on GZ from the feds. Bernie then said that the federal investigation was still ongoing. Then O’Mara tried getting GZ’s file from the feds and they sent to him instructions on how to do so, along with offering to help him with the forms. IIRC, O’Mara did not proceed.

          Let’s take that as a fact, that although the State had charged GZ and he was awaiting trial, the feds were still investigating him. Judge Nelson set a schedule for the pre-trial immunity hearing and trial. In April, O’Mara waived the pre-trial immunity hearing. I understand that at that time, the feds simply suspended their investigation pending trial. They did not conclude nor abandon investigation.

          Now, let’s ask why the feds are investigating? The are investigating to determine whether GZ violated Trayvon’s civil rights. It’s not a murder case per se, but rather murder attached to a motivation based on race. Then we ask, how were the feds investigating, and what were they investigating from about April 2012 through April 2013 and then picked up where they left off as of July 2013?

          When we ponder the answer to that question, we then get a glimpse into their investigation. What we can add to ponder is that Mama Zim told Barbara Walters that they do not communicate by phone with GZ because they are afraid that their phones are tapped.


          • Xena, I truly believe that gz DID violate Trayvon’s civil rights.

            If you were a fed prosecutor, what evidence would you use to prove this?


          • @Yahtzee. For the sake of keeping this short, I’ll summarize. I were a federal agent investigating the civil rights violation, I would start off with GZ’s NEN call, and his discriminatory behavior. GZ called the cops on his Landlord, and the man who served at his (non) graduation party, but he did not paint them in a manner to convey that they were violent, although they had one-on-one arguments with him that compelled him to call the cops. Both of them were White.

            GZ referred to Trayvon in the plural — “assholes,” and “punks.” GZ did not see Trayvon as an individual person. Rather, he saw Trayvon as a group, and the group of “assholes” and “punks” were Black. That means that he sees all young Black males as “assholes” and “punks” — unless they are working for him as a bodyguard. Then they need qualifications as “assholes” and “punks” to do their job.

            GZ took unauthorized authority to get out of his truck and follow Trayvon. His reason(s) are not relevant. “Are you following him?” “We don’t need you to do that” clearly says that the dispatcher did not need a reason to determine whether GZ should follow.

            Along with this, GZ violated Trayvon’s civil rights after he killed him by getting on Trayvon’s back. Again, his reason(s) are not relevant. GZ is not a deputized anybody to touch the body of a “suspect.”

            And, I would have people undercover in various places.


          • Great summary, Xena…….thanks!


          • @Yahtzee, I believe he violated Trayvon’s civil rights as well. That kid had, every right to be there at R@TL because he was a guest, of one of the residents. He also had more of a right to be there, seeing that Fogen was a squatter.

            Had he been evicted like he should have been, for owing back rent, then maybe Trayvon would still be alive.


          • I pray and hope you are right. When did mama Zim talk to Barbara Walters?


          • @Eric. We must hold on to hope.

            When did mama Zim talk to Barbara Walters?

            Just after the verdict. The following video has a clip of the interview and Walters reports that GZ’s parents are worried that their phones are tapped.


  11. roderick2012

    I remember last year at the height of the case a person (silhouette and voice distorted) was interviewed on one of the Orlando stations. This witness stated that he/she told the police that there were two fight scenes, but the police told the witness there was only one.

    This would mean that the most likely scenario is that somehow George and Trayvon came into contact around the T. Trayvon punched Piglet in his snout. Piglet fell backwards and hit his head, and Trayvon ran home. Jeremy was already outside because they had heard the arguing (until that video I assumed John had detained Trayvon as he was running past the condos). Jeremy caught and detained Trayvon as he was running toward home assuming that Trayvon was some thug.

    Piglet caught up with Trayvon and Jeremy then Piglet told Jeremy that he would handle things, but Jeremy stayed and watched and sometime thereafter John witnessed some of the incident, but he saw more than the ten seconds before the gunshot that he claims.

    That’s when Trayvon started began for help, he even begged Jeremy to help because he knew that Piglet was going to pull the trigger.

    But how would they get Jeremy to flip on Piglet?

    If Jeremy does then it opens a whole can of worms that would implicate a conspiracy at least among John Good, Jenna, Jeremy, Piglet and Taaffe, because we know that from the beginning Taaffe told the entire world that ‘if Trayvon had just answered Piglet’s question he would be alive today’. That means that either Taaffe was present or one of those present told him what occurred, but I don’t believe that Piglet told Taaffe that specific detail of that night because it sounds like conjecture ( Jeremy’s lame attempt to blame Trayvon to assuage his own guilt for not helping Trayvon) and Piglet already told us the reason that he shot Trayvon was because he was running out of time because the police were on their way and he was afraid that they would have shot him because he was holding a gun.

    Of course the Feds could give him and Jenna immunity and place them in the Witness Protection program but Piglet’s fans would track them down until they found them.

    Furthermore I believe that someone maybe Bill Lee or Papa Zimmerman got to Jeremy, Jenna and John and manipulated them by telling them that if they told the truth about what they saw that night they would be co-conspirators and were just as guilty as Piglet because they didn’t help Trayvon. Also since Jenna was on the HOA she had heard about the complaints against Piglet she would be under extreme financial pressure to go along with a conspiracy to have Piglet found not guilty.

    I believe that the purpose of Bill Lee attending the March 1, 2012 HOA meeting. Remember that the meeting was strictly for the pro-Piglet residents because the resident who was upset that no one listened to his complaints about Piglet carrying while he was on NW duty was ejected.


  12. Sure hope my password will work this time. I am computer illiterate and have lurked this site for quite some time as I have FL site. I love the fight and tenacity you have Xena to keep this injustice case alive.
    I share the same hope that a turn will take place. I’ve often believed this case was made for DOJ regarding Trayvon’s civil rights violation. By federal law z did profile and interfered with Trayvon’s travel from store to home. It may take a little time such as FBI to develop their standards for VR (by Dec.2014 per Lee) but I hope we will see an unraveling of the false verdict and justice for many of our Trayvon’s.
    Keep doing whatcha doing!


    • @peni4yothot. Welcome to Blackbutterfly7 and thanks for the comment. Yes, let’s continue to hope that the feds shall proceed and bring Zimmerman to justice.


  13. Hi Xena. We had a knock down, drag out fight over this on Facebook. First, is it possible that the Manalo photo was manipulated to look worse than it actually was? Clearly there was fresh blood on that photo that couldn’t have been all dry by the time the EMS arrived so that hints to that photo being a fraud. Therefore, if the photo was a fraud there is no need to add the part about Zimmerman smearing blood on his head. There is no way he could draw on the much blood in perfect fashion and achieve that level of artistry as Selma Mora, Jeanee Manalo and Jayne Surdyka watched on. He clearly had a few wounds and a fresh bruise on his head. It’s much more feasible that he caused the wound with his gun. He did have time to do that.and appeared to walk away from Mora in order to accomplish just that.
