Bigotvoyants Revisted

On September 14, 2012, I posted Racist Bigots and Thugs are Clairvoyant.

KKK women

Did These Women Serve On The George Zimmerman Jury?

Now that the jury in the George Zimmerman trial has rendered a verdict of not guilty, and in light of Juror B37 saying that Trayvon played a “huge” role in his death, it is an appropriate time to revisit this subject.   This is a re-post.  Only the last paragraph has been changed to update since the verdict.

The following are comments posted on the internet by George Zimmerman (GZ) fans:

“It is shameful what we are doing to this man. He took out a thug before the thug could kill him, AND prevented all the future crimes (rape, assault, drug dealing) that Trayvon would have done in his life. George deserves our thanks for helping to keep us safe!”

“The only good black is a dead black just like trayvon.”

“He was black, wearing a hoodie, and his name was Trayvon. HE WAS A FELONY WAITING TO HAPPEN.” 

“The stupid baboon chimped out, circled back, stalked and followed Zimmerman as he was walking back to his vehicle, then combatively and belligerently confronting Zimmerman, then brutally attacking Zimmerman. Furthermore, Zimmerman demonstrated restraint by only firing once and only after being viciously and brutally attacked by the chimped out wild uncivilized monkey. “

These types of comments are common among GZ fans.  You see, they are clairvoyant — bigotvoyants, (bi-got-voy-ants).  Bigotvoyants can look into the future of every young Black male and predict what crimes they will commit unless they are murdered before their future begins.  Bigotvoyants have recently used their gift to explain what happened the evening of 2/26/2012 when GZ killed unarmed, 17 yr old Trayvon Martin.   Their crystal brains showed them that it could have only happened one of two ways;

  1. Trayvon had time to get to his dad’s house but instead, laid in wait or circled back to attack GZ.
  2. Trayvon went home, changed pants, then left out again to attack GZ.

Not only are GZ’s fans clairvoyant, but in order for things to happen the way they describe, it requires that Trayvon also be clairvoyant. You see, before GZ got out of his truck, Trayvon would have to know that he would.   According to the bigotvoyants, when Trayvon ran, he didn’t run to get away from GZ.  Rather, he ran because he knew GZ would follow him and then he could attack GZ.

According to bigotvoyants, Trayvon knew that GZ did not know the name of the street he was on, and would need to walk all the way down the dog path to get an address on the next street over.  Bigotvoyants know that Trayvon knew that GZ would not stand in front of that address, call the police and wait at that location for the police to arrive.  Bigotvoyants know that Trayvon foresaw that GZ would make a roundtrip, walking back to his truck to call the police with that address, although GZ would not be at that address when calling them.  Yes!  Bigotvoyants know exactly what Trayvon would know about GZ’s movements.

Oh wait.  There is a good portion of bigotvoyants who do not believe that GZ walked to the next street over.   That in fact, they don’t believe anything he said other than Trayvon attacked and intended to kill him.  They don’t believe GZ’s re-enactment, neither what he said in his interview with Sean Hannity.  You see, they know that GZ doesn’t have the gift, and not having the gift to see into the future, that he doesn’t live in the reality of the present neither remember the past.

Actually, some bigotvoyants have not seen GZ’s video-taped re-enactment, read his written statement to the police, listened to his recorded interviews, neither watched his interview with Sean Hannity.    They have no interest in what GZ said and did.  The only thing that matters to them is that they have the gift of knowing everything that Trayvon said and did.

For theory number 2, Trayvon would know that GZ continued to look for him long enough for him to go into the house and change from dark-colored pants to light-colored khakis.  Bigotvoyants did not watch the 7 Eleven video so cannot explain how Trayvon had on light-colored khakis in the store.  The gift only allows bigotvoyants to see in black and white without shades in-between in convenience stores, malls, banks — places like that.

Bigovoyants have looked into the past and know that without seeing GZ through the windows of the house, Trayvon knew that GZ would not be on Retreat View Circle and was returning to his truck.   Trayvon knew that if he flew through the air, ran across rooftops and leaped over patio furniture, that he could make it back to the T at the right moment to ambush GZ as he approached it.   One bigotvoyant that posts regularly in comments to Yahoo articles about the GZ case uses the handle “Superthug” with a likeness of Trayvon in a cape, and speaks in first person, as a tribute for seeing everything that Trayvon did that night.

Bigotvoyants gave Trayvon pre-knowledge of everything he needed to attack GZ other than knowledge that GZ had a gun.  You see, when the gift of clairvoyance was handed out to mankind, only bigotvoyants received ability to know when others have a gun.   It’s this knowledge that makes them superior to others.

Bigotvoyants believe that GZ did not need the gift to know that Trayvon looked like he was on drugs or something and that something was wrong with him.  Bigotvoyants argue that this is not foreknowledge but fact since all Black males, with the exception of Bill Cosby, look like they are on drugs or something — they all look like they are up to no good.

With their gift of knowing everything that Trayvon would do and say, they hope to place Trayvon Martin on trial for being a thug in exchange for GZ tried for murder.

This is exactly what happened, as planned and executed by Florida bigotvoyants in Seminole County Florida.   I would conclude by saying may God have mercy on their souls, but I don’t think bigotvoyants have souls.

Posted on 08/01/2013, in Evidence, George and Shellie Zimmerman, Justice For Trayvon and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 25 Comments.

  1. I do not think these bigotvoyants have souls either, Xena.

    Neither do they care about their salvation…..they burn the cross at their meetings, I think, to show that they have cut all ties to decency, goodness, caring and love.


    • @Yahtzee. Thinking about your comment about burning crossing, there’s a scripture in the New Testament of the Bible that goes along the lines of saying that some people have their consciences seared as with a hot iron.

      They are the living dead.


      • Just found the verses you referenced:

        The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will ……. follow…….. things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.


        • @Yahtzee. Thank you!!! That’s the verse. “hypocritical liars.” That’s a good way of describing them.

          Just like GZ, who received more than $18,000.00 from the bankruptcy trustee in the Aames case and didn’t tell his attorney. Eight months later when his attorney found out about it and reported it to the court and that GZ failed to pay legal fees and costs, GZ headed out of Osterman’s and hit the road to hide.

          Now that a company has given GZ more than $20,000 to get another gun, he has left Florida and was found in Texas. GZ has no plans of paying O’Mara and West a dime.

          He begged for money for living expenses and a legal defense, but spent more than $30,000 of the donated money on his pre-Feb. 26, 2012 debts.

          George Zimmerman is a thief, but was concerned about thieves in his community.?!?!! Hypocritical liar.


          • Now that is one excellent analysis, Xena.

            You, as always, are on the “top of your game”.


  2. They have no souls or hearts……..,excuse me according to one of the jurors(B 37) ZimASS ‘s heart was in the right place(RIGHT).I still don’t know HOW any of these people are sleeping at night.The STUPID IDIOT is still causing problems here in Texas.Today on the local news,I noticed that the Forney officer who stopped him is in TROUBLE for taking a picture of either ZimAss’s Drivers License or him with his personal I Phone.He needs to really get the hell out of here & not come back! I saw this on
    I wonder how Shellie got the OK for such a LONG road trip? I guess if your last name is Zimmerman,you can get away with MURDER! I thought most people who were out on bond had to stay in the county…but hey what do I know…I have never been out on bail before!


    • @Marilyn C. That officer should have gotten into trouble for not ticketing a speeder.

      Don’t know if ShelLIE was with GZ. If she was, maybe both are on the run — ShelLIE from facing trial for perjury, and George attempting to avoid federal prosecution.


    • yeah! I’ve been reading about that today! The officer being in trouble.


  3. @ Marilyn

    Where did you find info on officer who stopped GZ? I checked on the and didn’t see anything.


  4. Xena and all, I am reminded lately of the Norman Rockwell painting of the little girl walking to school, with the National guard to protect her so many years ago.. I’ve read of the hateful things screamed at this little girl by the women , especially the women. The death threats, the wishing of death for that youngin’ .. It hurts my heart to know that women, the gentler sex, can have so much viciousness in their hearts for a child.

    I grew up in a world sheltered from so much of that ugly. My parents never let us hear news of Vietnam, Kent State, JFK, MLK, and so many events happening in our world. Then I got busy raising my children and to a certain extent closed my eyes to the world, protecting my ‘nest’.

    No longer can I close my eyes. My heart feels the burden and pain of many others who came before me. I am overwhelmed at times with the human race and the knowledge of how hate can kill. The people who make such comments, who believe such things, have no souls. They are empty shells of flesh, allowed, for some reason, to walk among the decent and the living.


    • I hear you, mindyme62.

      It is my prayer that all of America will open its eyes and become involved in ending racial profiling, SYG, and the inequality in the justice system…..just for starters.


      • To hope that all of America is more than I can wish for but if we keep spreading the good word, I would be happy with more than there open now. I do believe those who are so hatefully racist are the minority of all Americans of all races.


  5. However, when it comes to Trevor Dooley / David James its entirely different. The bigotvoyants will tell you. Trevor started the whole thing when he left his house . James had every right to defend himself against Dooley. Trevor had a gun James size was irrelevant. Will get mad if you call David James a trained killer. Say you’re attacking his character. Now isn’t a air force fighter pilot trained to kill with fighter jets? Isn’t a air force fighter pilot also trained how to kill while on ground? So how is it incorrect to call David a trained killer? The most racist statement they agree with Trayvon was armed
    with the sidewalk. So was David James armed with the sidewalk since he used it to hold down and choke TrevorDooley? Of course I’m told
    I’m wrong you’re ridiculous etc. Remember a black person suspected of wrongdoing is equal to a white person actually committing wrongdoing.

    that’s ridiculous, to


    • @m1. You know, bigtovoyant double-standard screams out and speaks volumes. The jury in the Dooley case thought for David James. They gave him a feeling of being threatened, justifying his assault on the much older, much smaller Trevor Dooley. The jury in the Zimmerman case thought for Trayvon. They gave him a sense of being angry for being followed — not a sense of being afraid. Angry people don’t run stalkers. Trayvon ran.

      Let’s not forget that while the media reported that James’ daughter was 8 yrs old when her dad was killed, they showed photos of James holding her when she was an infant. Do I need to tell you what O’Mara and his minions said about a photo of Trayvon at the age of 16?


  6. I haven’t been able to write very much since this case has bent my head out of shape so to speak.


    • @Lonnie Starr. I understand. Many people, even some blog administrators, have contacted me apologizing for their absence. Some are still going over the trial trying to figure out how the jury did not consider evidence and their lame brain excuse for not understanding the law. Many are asking why the State did not see the bigotry of Juror B37 when she referred to rallies as “riots.”

      Regardless of the questions, we do know the answers — racial bigotry. From the defendant, to his attorneys, and particularly Juror B37. They simply do not believe that Trayvon had any rights. They don’t believe he had the right to be outside after dark; the right to run from a man he saw as a creepy pervert; neither the right to ask GZ “What are you following me for?”


      • This is where the prosecution absolutely failed by design!!! They needed to, and should have, stressed strongly, the many instances where gz had caused Trayvon to fear for his life by his actions. They needed to impress the jury with the fact that these things were illegal, crimes being committed.

        They needed to focus and stress the fact that the things gz was doing are the precursor to the many abductions reported and investigated each year. Stress how Trayvon had every right to believe that he might be abducted, robbed, tortured or killed, even as the many tv shows, movies portray and as, I am sure, every parent has told their children to be wary of strangers who follow and/or approach them. Most especially in the dark.

        By failing to identify himself at each opportunity he had, gz was furthering his own criminal activity. As a criminal, engaged in a criminal action, gz had no right to do anything but withdraw as quickly as possible. So that, while there might be a question of who attacked whom first, clearly any attack waged by Trayvon was in defense of himself and therefore legal, while any confrontation by gz was stalking, and assault under Fla. law and illegal! Criminals do not get a self defense claim while they are committing a crime! That should have been the end of the defense without any further question.

        Instead the prosecution said that gz had a perfectly legal right to cause any child to fear for their own safety, and that child should never do anything at all about it, no matter how fearful they might be. Thus, they left it to the jury to decide that potential abductee’s should just go along quietly with their abductors and never put up any fuss about it.

        If we look at the records we will see that, most attackers of children are “nice guys”, they all present as “respectable pillars of the community”, they are accountants, doctors, and other professionals and/or other very well mannered and soft spoken people (priests?). It is part of their cover!

        Lastly, I still think that this was part of an initiation for gz with the AB. There are many candidates for who set it up, Wolfinger? Lee? Osterman? Taaffe? Who knows, we can only hope that someone gives up, so Justice can prefer conspiracy charges!


        • @Lonnie Starr

          This is where the prosecution absolutely failed by design!!! They needed to, and should have, stressed strongly, the many instances where gz had caused Trayvon to fear for his life by his actions. They needed to impress the jury with the fact that these things were illegal, crimes being committed.

          The sheer fact that GZ wrongfully profiled Trayvon was enough to make his actions illegal.

          They needed to focus and stress the fact that the things gz was doing are the precursor to the many abductions reported and investigated each year.

          You know, back around the mid 90’s advice was circulated to women to never park beside a van in a parking lot. Some women doing so had been abducted, rape and/or killed. I thought about that when seeing GZ’s truck in the cop cam. He wasn’t driving a regular sized car, and when we see his headlights following Trayvon so closing from the mail shed, Trayvon may have also thought that GZ was going to commit vehicular homicide.

          While those such as Juror B37 thought “creepy ass cracka” was merely name-calling, it actually expressed Trayvon’s fear based on how he perceived the driver of that vehicle.

          By failing to identify himself at each opportunity he had, gz was furthering his own criminal activity.

          Till this day, I still can’t understand why GZ would lie saying he didn’t have a problem, yet stand there and expect for Trayvon to do the same while he went through his pockets, which indicates he does have a problem. But then, we know his story isn’t true, so he never stopped to realize just how “retarded” it sounds.

          Thus, they left it to the jury to decide that potential abductee’s should just go along quietly with their abductors and never put up any fuss about it.

          IMHO, that’s the bigotvoyant theory that Blacks are to be submissive, forsake their civil rights, and accept whatever “creepy ass crackas” whip upon them.

          If we look at the records we will see that, most attackers of children are “nice guys”, they all present as “respectable pillars of the community”, they are accountants, doctors, and other professionals and/or other very well mannered and soft spoken people (priests?). It is part of their cover!

          Can we say “John Wayne Gacy”? He was hiring teens and young men then killing them, while playing clown for younger children. Gacy tried denigrating his victims by saying they were all runaways, male prostitutes, or delinquents. The jury didn’t buy that — maybe because all of Gacy’s victims were White.

          Lastly, I still think that this was part of an initiation for gz with the AB.

          Well, GZ was certainly afraid of someone that night. He packed up and abandoned his residence after leaving the police station. Trayvon had not been identified and the news had not gone national.


          • My guess is, he left home so quickly because, he could not know who Trayvon’s family was. He left because he feared Trayvon might be the son of a violent individual or a family with violent members or friends. To me, that kinda indicates that he knew very well where Trayvon was living. Because, there is no indication that Trayvon would move in any particular direction when he left the mail shed. So then, why did gz take up a position on TTL that was directly in Trayvon’s path to get home? A thug would have either turned and gone out the nearby front gate, or even better tracked back to the cut through near Taaffe’s and ran into colonial village. Or he could have gone all the way through to RVC then turned south, leaving gz too far behind to catch up without driving.

            On the NLME someone theorizes that gz was out of his truck before Trayvon ran south and may have known that gz was now on foot. If so, that would account for Trayvon stopping and hiding, instead of continuing home. As gz saw where Trayvon was headed, he’d want to be right behind him, giving him little chance to escape or get too far south. So he merely had to say “He’s running” as that was his excuse for getting out of the truck. We only have his word for it that Trayvon was out of sight before he got out of his vehicle. His word is worthless.


          • @Lonnie Starr.

            My guess is, he left home so quickly because, he could not know who Trayvon’s family was. He left because he feared Trayvon might be the son of a violent individual or a family with violent members or friends.

            Don’t know, Lonnie. There’s something about GZ’s association with his killing Trayvon and Burgess that raises many questions, especially since Burgess was in jail. I still tend to think that whomever beat GZ’s behind that weekend BEFORE that Sunday night is the person GZ feared and still fears.

            Think about it — he lived in a gated community with an alarm system on his unit. Who ever he ran from had to also live in the Retreat at Twin Lakes, know him, and his address. Also, Adam Pollack said that GZ stopped coming to the gym after the “incident.” Why would he stay away from the gym too? What was GZ suppose to accomplish that Sunday evening that would give him peace to remain in his rented house and peace to continue coming to Koppelli’s?


  7. roderick2012

    I bet that’s B37 wearing the specs. Yes, she looks to pondering what’s occurring in George’s good heart.


    • @roderick2012. LOL!! I’m working on another piece for posting on 3chicspolitico about juror B37 and her influence and deception on juror B29 about “intentions.”


  8. I’m not willing to let b29 off the hook – not when I listen carefully to what she’s really saying.

    What the hell did she mean by questioning if race was involved in Trayvon’s murder while also saying that she is followed around just like “Obama”? Why does “Maddy” think people follow her around, if not for her race?

    There was a suggestion that “Maddy” had family problems which is why she wanted to leave deliberations. I can’t recall if it was b37 who said that… Anyway, Robin at ABC didn’t ask b29 – “Maddy” – about that. Did b29 really have family issues and want to leave, or did she use that as an excuse? Did that even happen at all?

    ABC’s interview was very unsatisfying. Robin could have probed a lot more, especially since she had b37’s allegations to query “Maddy” about.

    There are still unanswered questions – and a horrifying injustice.


    • @xy11xy! Great to see your fonts!

      After all the stuff about race not having anything to do with the case, B29 said that her hope for the future is that people not walk around looking at color. Speaks volumes about her REAL belief in what happened in that jury room.

      Maddy is from Chicago, and there are portions of Chicago that are integrated, and portions that are segregated based on “culture.” IOWs, there are sections that are predominately Polish, predominately Italian, predominately Hispanic of Mexican descent, predominately Hispanic of Puerto Rican descent, etc.

      As a native Chicagoan, IMO, Maddy may not see herself as a Black Hispanic but rather, “Puerto Rican.” While that is a nationality, it distinguishes the privilege of being under U.S. colony control as compared to Black Hispanics from other cultures. Maddy had better wake-up. Her children are just as likely to be killed on the streets in Florida by a mad White racist for “he looks Black” as an African-American child.

      Now that she is convinced there is no law against murder, the cops can tell her to shuffle along and suffer her pain in silence, or be raked over the coals.

      Thanks for the comment. It’s good to see you.


    • It is an extremely horrifying injustice. My gz blog had a constant fall off a while after the trial, but now visits are climbing again to around 500 a day, they had fallen to around 200 a day for a week. It seems there’s still plenty of interest in this case.
