Wrestling or Pinned Down?

George Zimmerman’s inconsistency for what caused his jacket to raise exposing his gun.

Posted on 06/12/2013, in Evidence, George and Shellie Zimmerman, Justice For Trayvon, Videos and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 35 Comments.

  1. Xena…..there are so many “Jewels”as you would call them in this whole video of the voice stress test(lie detector) to me…BUT…am I right that NONE of this video can come into evidence because it is a form of lie detector test,which is NOT allowed in court? If my thinking is correct,then I am upset because of ALL of what is in this thing! Thanks for posting it.HLN just showed this same portion of it & they said it looked like he was reaching for his gun…not when he said he was.


    • Hey Marilyn. The test results are not allowed in court. The interview? That’s another thing. GZ was telling his side of the story and the State may have the technician testify so they can enter it into evidence at trial.


  2. Good catch, Xena!

    You are creating great videos with the solid evidence! Your tireless effort to uncover evidence and also to support Trayvon’s loved ones is to be greatly admired. And, I do!


    • @Yahtzee. Thanks so much for your support. It’s motivating and contagious.

      We have about 2 more weeks of jury selection. That’s a long time to sit in a courtroom as an observer. May abundant strength be imparted to Sybrina and Tracy, as well as their lawyers.


  3. It would be great if his inconsistent statements could be collected before the trial ends, but I’m afraid that there are far too many inconsistent statements to be cataloged.

    gz’s jacket only rose up, when he pulled it up to draw his weapon. Imagine that, a 207 lb guy chasing a kid with a firearm, after having received 6 months of combat/martial arts training to boot. But, I still don’t think it ends there. I think coward george needed to have an assistant nearby to assure him. If he had his way he’d have had a platoon of navy seals standing by to help him.


    • Hey Lonnie, I found another jewel from Zimmerman in the Hannity interview. He told Hannity that he was afraid that the police would come around the corner and see him with his gun in hand. Here’s the thing, if the confrontation happened the way George said it did, and he never went down the T, then the police would have been able to see them from the street on the western and eastern sides. Zimmerman,inadvertently admitted to being where he claimed he never was, Even though the location of the shell casing proves him to be a liar, it was nice to hear him admit it.


      • Even worse, he never put the gun away until the police came. He said that when he saw ofc. Smith with his flashlight, he holstered his gun. Which was about 3 minutes after the shooting and, after Jon had him kneel down for the picture of the back of his head. Imagine that, the guy who was too scared to come outside before the shooting, is now out there taking pictures of the gunman’s head, asking him to kneel down with a gun in his hand. Tell me someone isn’t lying.


    • @Lonnie Starr. You’re correct! There are far too many inconsistencies made by GZ to be cataloged. There are at least 10 involved in his reason for getting out of his truck — all of which are contrary to the recorded NEN call, and also contrary to the timing. For instance, he told Singleton that he was on Retreat View Circle while on the phone with NEN. He said he went there for an address, yet did not give the address to the dispatcher and started walking back to his truck.

      What I find interesting also is what GZ omits from his stories.


      • He is unaware that there is a world turning outside of his head, where clocks are ticking and devices are recording, people are doing things themselves and some of those things can be demonstrated at the approximate times they happened.

        This last juror needs to be reported to the Southern Poverty Law Center who is searching for bigoted cops. Her husband is an ex policeman, his records need to be looked at, how could he live in such a household with a woman who holds such views without being in agreement himself?


      • IIRC, gz always talked about the back gate as an escape route but never actually has said he WITNESSED one of his “suspects” running out the back gate.


        • @Yahtzee. There was one call where GZ said he would meet the cops at the back gate to let them in. He suffers with paranoia because if anyone actually saw someone come out of a house broken into, carrying stolen items, they would not call NEN but 911. So, saying “These assholes. They always get away” sounds much like making a call that allows them to get away. That is another reason I suspect that GZ was running a small-time burglary ring. He was making sure that HIS guys did not get caught but on 2/26/12, had to let on like Trayvon represented all of them, as he referred to Trayvon in the plural.


          • Now I am shuddering.


          • @Yahtzee. Trial is coming — along with GZ’s phone records. That might not tell us whether he was operating a small-time burglary ring, but who he communicated with might tell us volumes and we can put two-and-two together.


          • So the back gate is just another made up lie, since any real criminals would probably escape using a cut through into one of the bordering communities, that way gz couldn’t follow by car very easily. His delay, driving the long way around, would give them plenty of time to find hiding places or reach the house of a friend.

            So, if the back gate was a made up factor…. gz more likely than not, actually knew where Trayvon was staying. Can anyone find evidence to contradict such speculation?


        • Another one of his guesses most likely. Burgess lived at 2500 RVC which is near the back gate and Rene says that Ransberg lived on the cul de sac which is just out side the back gate. So these people he speaks about, if he actually saw anything, may just have been headed to houses in that direction or near the back gate. Actually, the maps of the area don’t show the back gate to be a particularly great escape route. Without the fences RATL was promised, the many cut throughs would have offered much better escape routes, because a car would have to go the long way around. Just sayin!

          The Lounge is full up with jury selection, got 500 messages today.


  4. Whoa!!

    I never realized this interview was with the technician who administered the VSA. And yes, very nice catch on, yet another, inconsistency. 3 different stories he told on how Trayvon allegedly saw the gun. This man is so full of c.r.a.p.

    Will the State have the opportunity to ask Zimmerman about all of the inconsistencies?


    • Nope, the defense knows that if they put gz on the stand the case is lost. There is no way he can have a real self defense claim and have to tell so many lies. Omar has tried to get the judge to allow gz to testify without being subjected to cross examination, that’s never going to happen but it’s telling.

      Obviously, without gz taking the stand, he cannot make a self defense claim. So the case is lost either way, unless they can get a racist juror, willing to swallow all those lies and hold out for him, even with no favorable testimony on the record, this trial is an exercise in futility for gz.

      If the hold out is stupid and cites things not in evidence as his reason for holding out, the jurors will submit that to the judge and he or she will be excused and an alternate will replace him or her, deliberations will then resume. gz is toast, he’s headed for jail. Jury selection is just Omar’s means of dragging things out in the hope that more money will come in.


    • @Mindyme. The real question is, will GZ take the witness stand? Since he’s claiming self-defense, he will need to but if he does, the State can cross-examine and present the inconsistencies. It’s a damn if he does, and damn if he doesn’t.


  5. D’oh!! I wondered if this would happen. And the search of one’s comments on blogs/etc.. I wonder if the State has been checking social networks of the jurors. I hope so..

    I’m amused but honestly do not want Justice this way. I have every faith he will be convicted though.



    • @Mindyme62. I’m very concerned that any potential juror is dishonest about where they stand on GZ’s case. Since the comment he posted on FB was in March last year, and it pertained to the SPD, maybe his only firm opinion was that GZ should be arrested. Still, the jury needs to be impartial.


    • Both sides have interns scanning the web for errata that might be useful. Both sides have published their email addresses in their motions, so they also have someone scanning any tips that come in.


  6. blushedbrown

    Great Video Xena!

    I also caught the action of his hand when he says he jacket rose up, look at the postion of his hand… he looks like he is unholstering a gun. When a person says a shirt or jacket went up they tug on their clothing to show that action he did not do that. He is a liar.


    • @blushedbrown.

      He is a liar.

      Ya think? LOL!!

      Which reminds me, I should check on the John Orr case. That’s another SYG case in Florida that happened around Oct. 2011, and Zimmerman’s allegations are almost a complete mirror of Orr’s allegations, less using a knife. Orr was denied immunity and his attorney said he was going to appeal. I don’t remember if he did.


      • blushedbrown

        LOL Ha!

        Hmmm sounds interesting haven’t heard about the Orr case.


        • @blushedbrown. Re: The Orr case. Here ya go …

          George Zimmerman Looked In The Mirror ….


          • blushedbrown

            Wow! It is like a mirror! Thanks for the link Xena.


          • I have been chided for not posting more here. But I’ve so much to do that I usually write when I find postings that motivate. So, here then is what I wrote on another board to some guy name Jorge who keeps trying to fit the evidence into gz stories.

            “Boy have you got things mixed up. It was the non emergency number call (NEN) where, what gz calls flashlight banging is heard. But the flashlight worked alright at the station for Serino, so the knocking sound may very well have been something else. The question being asked is, could he have left that blood stain on Jon’s garage door frame when he knocked there? No matter, it’s inconsequential.

            What is consequential is, if, as gz claims, he did want to go back to his truck, he could have gotten there before Trayvon could have caught up with him. He would have been there before the NEN call finished. Obviously, if he was attacked when and where he claims, he would still have been on the phone with the NEN dispatcher. AND, Trayvon would still have been on the phone with DD. There is no way around this fact.

            Thus, he had to have gone somewhere else and done something else. DD’s testimony places them both where the tactical flashlight and phone were dropped. Witness 11’s 911 call also places them there. That location is some 45 feet south of the ‘T’, in an area where gz claims not to have ever gone at all.

            At the end of DD’s call we hear gz in a superior position, ignoring a request that he identify himself and issuing a challenging “What are you doing around here?” That is not what a person under lethal assault would say. Nor would the person doing the attacking say “Get off… get off!” which is what Trayvon is heard saying.

            DD’s call drops and within 70 seconds witness 11 calls 911. Since it takes time to hear something that would make you want to call 911, then decide to do it, and then seconds more to do it, that time takes away from the 70 seconds that elapsed before 911 connected.

            Next, on the 911 call Trayvon is heard screaming in pain. While gz is heard asking questions of Trayvon, clearly he is in the superior position, while Trayvon is in extreme distress. We know now that gz had self defense and martial arts training at Kokocapelli’s fighting gym, which does not cater to weightlifting or bodybuilding, they have none of that kind of equipment there. The prosecution and the defense both know whether he completed his training, most likely he had, because he dreamed of becoming a police officer, which is why he paid 600 dollars for the course in the first place.

            Wrist controls are very pain producing holds, and it’s likely that this is the cause of Trayvon’s distress. When gz grabbed him he fell to the ground, as it is what people usually do when physically restrained. gz went to the ground with him and they rolled until gz was once again in the superior position, where he then applied the wrist lock causing Trayvon to scream. This activity lasted only 45 seconds, until gz was able to draw his weapon and take aim, while restraining Trayvon with his left hand. Trayvon saw the weapon and yelled “Stop!” Signalling total submission in the hopes that the gunman would not shoot, but gz did not give him any mercy, he fired his weapon straight through Trayvon’s heart, while two pieces of his cheap hollow point ammunition, fragmented and tore through Trayvon’s right lung.

            For sure gz had minor injuries and blood on him, but the autopsy report found no dna or other trace foreign to Trayvon on his hands. His hands were in pristine condition and could not have been used to attack gz.

            gz needs yet another story if he’s to convince jurors that he should go free. Unfortunately for him, he has told so many differing stories about what happened, and none of them match the evidence or explain any of it. He has also lied to the court about is finances, thus his defense team cannot allow him to take the stand and face cross examination. But, unless he takes the stand, he will not be able to provide any evidence of self defense, since no one saw what he claims but him.

            I hope this is of some help to you in sorting out matters. Think what you want, but there is no evidence of anything else.”



          • @Lonnie Starr.

            I have been chided for not posting more here.

            I hope that did not come from a Trayvon Warrior. Although I’m appreciative of the sharing, discussion and comments, no one should feel obligated to post here. Personally, I try to support many blogs but there are times when I’ve spread myself too thin.

            You maintain a resource blog of evidence, court documents, videos, etc. With jury selection, that is no small project. It takes time and I so appreciate your effort.


          • Whomever it was, it seemed more a “backhand” compliment than anything else. So no biggie.


          • @Lonnie Starr. Understood. Thanks for the explanation. I won’t go ballistic now. 🙂


  7. blushedbrown


    I hope he takes the stand, but I don’t think Omara will allow him. GZ thought he could outsmart SPD, but the family and the supporters put their foot down and said not this time, you higher ups are going to look into case and we will obtain Justice for Trayvon. There is something seriously wrong with him and it wasn’t self defense. The upcoming trial is even being talked about here in Texas on a regular basis now.


    • As it turns out, all “SYG” means is, kill whom ever you want but, get before a judge and get your immunity, before any evidence can be collected and analyzed. Obviously, when the shooter is the only witness alive to testify about the events, he/she is free to claim whatever they want. It takes time to collect and analyze evidence, so, if one can get before a judge before this can be done, there’s a good chance that the “preponderance” of evidence burden can be most easily met.

      Thus Stand Your Ground is really Thou Shall Be Sure To Kill!


  8. towerflower

    I really hope that Z takes the stand. All of these statements will come back to haunt him.
